February 23, 2011

gearin' up for spring 2011!

Spring is already looking bright for the little Thomas homestead here in Garden Acres! Finally rolling up my sleeves to join in and embark on Daddy's vision last Autumn and then reading, reading, reading all Winter has really made me eager to help out this year. Daddy has given me charge of the researching, planning and purchasing as well as good amount of the daily chores.

Brand new kennel - put up just two days ago!
Don't let his puppy-dog eyes fool ya,
you should have seen the mess he's made.
I quickly drafted a tentative garden layout last month, however everything changed as soon as my Daddy made his way out back a couple of weeks ago. With a new giant kennel for our hound finished {thank heavens, that dog was tearing up everything!} and a chicken range underway, our yard schematic was rearranged to accommodate these exciting additions. Daddy's ingenuity in the veggie garden by adding two tiers in the middle of our veggie bed means even more adjustments.

I've spent a good part of the day measuring structures {thanks for your help, Jasco!} and creating our first complete accurate-scale schematic for our homestead. It isn't finished as of yet, but I hope to get it posted soon. :)

The dill that I planted in Autumn 2010 grew splendidly -- well, at least I think it did. As my first successful herb, I was pretty ecstatic when I reached 2ft tall in December {although they say it's supposed to get up to 4ft... hm...} I did get two nice-sized cuttings off of it before the frost in late January!

Aaaand my cabbage is gorgeous! Well, one of the heads is. The other is workin' on it. Um... yes, you read that right. There are only two. Hush.

The parsley didn't grow half as well - and I know why. I really didn't pay attention to my garden after planting it until mid-January. *innocent whistle*

We won't even mention the lettuce.

I really do have a good reason, though. After I planted in late October, we had quite the heat spell and a mild drought. I waited for about a month, and after seeing no green sprouts, I kind of gave up on it. It was all too easy with my baby sister being born in September and becoming a weekly maid for a not-so-near-by homeschool family.

So, the Winter garden of my dreams turned out like this:
One would think we sowed grass in place of
our winter squash and spinach... =/

But we did get an entire carrot to grow!!! ^.^

I'm going to stop now...


Well, there is always Spring 2011. New year, new priorities, new schedule and a clearer vision. I'm really hoping to focus on gardening this year. I want to become excellent at growing things. I most definitely did not inherit any green thumb genes. It's gonna take some research and a whole lot of diligence to master this skill. With Daddy's guidance, Marmy's enthusiasm, Christina's attentiveness, McCauley's energy, Jasco's strength, Gracey's refreshing adorableness and every single Wednesday off from chores and outside jobs to focus on the garden and this blog -- I'm thinking this year looks pretty promising.

However: no matter how diligent I am, no matter how well I plot and plan, no matter how much I know -- the harvest is from the Lord. If vegetables grow, it is not because of me but because the Creator chose to bless. Even this garden is of Him, through Him and to Him. If the bounty is plentiful, blessed be the Name of the Lord. If He chooses to withhold prosperity this Summer, blessed be the Name of the Lord. Our family's journey to gaining skills and strategies in self-sufficiency is for His glory alone. We pray to be faithful stewards of the land and resources which He's already provided to us.

On that note, I want to encourage my fellow gardeners to seek the Lord of the Harvest in the process and to bring glory to His Name in success. Return your first fruits, and use the entire experience to further God's Kingdom.

Soli Deo Gloria,

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